Introducing the @specialized_uk Chisel, the lightest, fastest alloy full suspension mountain bike in the world. Engineered for speed, efficiency and killer looks! Frames and bikes in stock now! #studiovelo#specializedchisel#chiselfs
Dream build – Specialized sworks epic 8 Featuring full @srammtb flight attendant. This bike is made to fly!. #studiovelo#dreambuild#sworks#sworksepic8#epic8#sramflightattendant#dumfriesandgalloway
Like the idea of tyre inserts, but not a fan of the additional rotational weight? The new Vittoria air liner light could be the answer you’re looking for! #studiovelo#vittoriatyresuk#vittoriamezcal#tyreinsert#dumfriesandgalloway
Loved building this one up and the customer was blown away by it! Yeti 160 E C2 with a few key upgrades Shimano XT Linkglide, Hope Tech4V4 brakes, Michelin new E-WiLd tyres, Cushcore tyre inserts and fully protected with Invisiframe. #studiovelo#yeti160e#emtb#ebike#yeticycles#shimanolinkglide#hopetech#burgtec#michelinemtb#dumfriesandgalloway
Pivot Cycles have updated the Switchblade for 2024, taking one of our favourite platforms and making it slightly better in every way! Slacker head angle, longer reach, steeper seat angles, a tweak to the suspension kinematics but, the same great look! #studiovelo#pivotcycles#pivotswitchblade#newbike#samebutbetter#dumfriesandgalloway
Our most popular upgrade of 2024 so far…@hopetech Tech 4 E4 brakes. Add a touch of bling to your bike and increase stopping power! #studiovelo#hopetech#performanceupgrades#bikebling#bigbrakes
Bikes are getting faster and faster so it makes sense to go for a little extra protection! 100% Status is a great looking, great value, maximum protection kind of helmet. Get in touch for more info.#studiovelo#ride100percent#status#fullfacehelmet#protectyourhead
Scott Lumen 900 featuring the lightest, quietest, smallest e-bike system by @tq_ebike combined with 130mm @ridefoxbike travel making this a perfect e-bike for Dumfries and Galloway! Demo bike arriving shortly! #studiovelo#scottsports#scottlumen#tqebike#ebike#dumfriesandgalloway
Start them young!We’ve got a great selection of lightweight, quality kids bikes from Squish in stock now. #studiovelo#squishbikes#squish#balancebike#kidsbikes#dumfriesandgalloway
The simplicity and Beauty of a hardtail…they are hard to beat! And this is a stunning Alma from Orbea dripping in the finest Fox bike factory components and Shimano taking care of the rest. #studiovelo#orbeaalma#orbea#xchardtail#xcracebike#foxfactory